
   2005-11-13 中国路桥网 佚名 7060






The revival of modern cable-stayed bridges is one of the greatest achievements in bridge ebgineering after World War II.

Cable-stayed bridges were first introduced into China in the early sixties. Two trial bridges, the Xinwu Bridge with a main span of 54m in Shanghai and the Tangxi Bridge with a span of 75.8m in Yunyang, Sichuan Province -- both are reinforced concrete cable-stayed bridges --were completed in 1975.
Since 1977 when China entered a new era with its reform and open policy, with the traffic development, China's bridge engineering has made great strides in the construction of long-span cable-stayed bridges. The Jinan Bridge across the Yellow River with a main span of 220m, which was completed in 1982, can be regarded as a successful achievement of the first stage -- the learning stage -- in the history of China's

cable-stayed bridge construction.

In the eighties, the construction of cable-stayed bridges developed rapidly over a wide area in China. More than 30 bridges of various types were erected in different provinces and municipalities, for example, the Yonghe Bridge in Tianjin, which has a span as long as 260m, and the Dongying Bridges in Shandong Province, whose span reaches 288m, the latter being China's first steel cable-stayed bridge. In addition, the Haiyin Bridge in Guangzhou with its 35m-wide deck, single cable plane and double thin-walled pylon piers; the Jiujiang Bridge in Nanhai of Guangdong Province, which was erected by a floating crane with a capacity of 5000kN; the Shimen Bridge in Chongqin, Sichuan Province, having an asymmetrical single cable plane arrangement and a 230m cantilever cast-in-situ; and the attractive-looking Xiangjiang North Bridge in Changsha of Hunan Province, completed in 1990 with light travlling formwork -- all are the representatives in this period with respective features.

At the beginning of this decade, with the completion of the Nanpu Bridge in Shanghai in 1991, a new high tide of construction of cable-stayed bridges began to surge in China. Now, a large number of cable-stayed bridges with a span of over 400m are under design and contruction. The most outstanding one is the yangpu Bridge with a record-breaking span of 602m, another composite deck cable-stayed bridge in China will have attracted world attention not only for its large scale but for its speedy development as well.

Comparatively speaking, the contruction of modern suspension bridges in China started rather late. In the sixties, some flexible suspension bridges with spans less than 200m were built in the mountain areas of southwestern China, the Chaoyang Bridge in Chongqin, Sichuan Province being the most famous one. However, the Dazi Bridge in Tibet completed in 1984 has a span as long as 500m.

The upsurge of traffic engineering construction in the ninties led to a new stage of modern suspension bridges. The Bay Bridge in Shantou, Guangdong Province will have a 452m concrete stiffening girder; the Tigergate Bridge will be a steel box girder suspension with a main span of 888m; the Jiangyin Bridge over the Yangtze River, whose main span is 1385m, is now completed. The simultaneous construction of the three suspension bridges is a convincing evidence that China's bridge science and technology will soon catch up with the advanced world level.

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