BSM 全息车辆识别技术

   2006-04-29 中国路桥网 佚名 4060

一种能依照车流方向就可自动修改交通红绿灯程序并可统一国际标准的 BSM 全息车辆识别技术

该自适应随机性神经网络模糊控制车辆检测识别技术,所含的 BSM 技术是该技术的核心,由BSM采集到的基础数据组织成信息,并进一步将信息提炼成为知识,将是编制国际ITS的标准,也是由BSM技术来填补我国制定国际智能交通系统的主框架找到了充分的理由。

8. 随机性神经网络模糊控制系统


(Borderless to is it can make traffic traffic light advance according to vehicle direction can revise procedure combine automatically to sell but interconnected system Holographic vehicle recognition technology of a international standard. )

This neural network of adaptive randomness controls the vehicle to measure recognition technology fuzzily , for BSM when it include there is the technologies core of technology,gather from BSM to foundation Data organize information, refine information knowledge of becoming further , work out
international standard of ITS, filled in our country to make the country by BSM technology too The main frame of the intellectual traffic system of border has found the sufficient reason.
Utilizing BSM technology, enables installing and laying networkedly simpler, project cycle is very short too, safeguard it conveniently, need not destroy the road surface . Have broken and surmounted oldly completely The old one (the reaction of the coil is buried in the area, ultrasonic wave and microwave Doppler survey, and the fictitious coil of lens,etc.) surveys the vehicle way. Can measure the vehicle Stopping, advance, speed.
Utilize by technology BSM,it want for one that for intersection (the accurate /prohibit not turning left,not the accurate /prohibit not turning right, conduct prohibit, one way, public transit have priority), train circulates At the direction of walking, can because road network unreasonable in road, it is insufficient for road to supply with, and go to revise the software again. This BSM vehicle measures recognition technology, will each adopt Remedy the adaptive procedure , needn't change the computer program in various kinds of measures of kind, BSM will follow the change of the direction of rate of traffic flow when measuring recognition technology, and automatic (study) procedure revising the computer, and can be according to the rate of traffic flow after adjusting, it come from move it adjust letter not green after traffic light revise than.
This system BSM is complete Have broken away from the window software platform of Microsoft and hard disk of high short-lived fault rate , through adaptive randomness neural network fuzzy control technology , it is unnecessary technological people Person observe Hou by computer it monitor because there aren't management , last tedious operation, (whether can accomplish with no guard,), realize have self-adaptation to study the functioning briefly Traffic light humanized command control system.

The system of BSM is formed
1. It measure recognition system of BSM vehicle (this appearances let procedure not simple of computer of of the technology one, 8 following systems are easier to realize )
2. Information service system of the networked traffic
3. The public transit has priority systematically
4. The vehicle operates and manages the system with no guard
5. The dynamic route revises the programming system automatically ( studies )
6. The adaptive procedure remedies the system
7. Drive the system of supporting safely
8. Fuzzy control system of neural network of randomness
9. Save oneself systematically promptly

Liu QingXiang
E _ MAIL: liumin1988@eyou. com

2004. 07.28

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